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Remarque sur le contenu : Ce que je considère comme ma liste de publications diffère un peu de celles de chercheurs « purs ». En effet, comme j'ai réalisé plusieurs aller-retours entre le privé et le public (mais toujours sur des questions de recherche, d'étude ou de veille) mes travaux sont hétéroclites. Ma liste de publications contient donc des supports visuels de présentation, des rapports de projets, des supports de cours ou encore des posters en plus des plus traditionnels articles dans des revues et conférences internationales.
@article{Clauzel:2018:Challenger-de-Facebook-aux-USA-Reddit-peut-il-s-imposer-en-France, title = {Challenger de Facebook aux USA, Reddit peut-il s’imposer en France ?}, journal = {Le Progrès}, year = {2018}, month = aug, day = 20, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/Divers/2018-08-21%20-%20Challenger%20de%20Facebook%20aux%20USA,%20Reddit%20peut-il%20s%E2%80%99imposer%20en%20France%20%3f.png}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/post/2018/08/20/Interview-pour-Le-Progr%C3%A8s-%3A-%C2%AB-Challenger-de-Facebook-aux-USA%2C-Reddit-peut-il-s%E2%80%99imposer-en-France-%C2%BB}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Jullien, Sébastien}, keywords = {Lyon, Reddit, réseau social, Le Progrès, r/Lyon}, language = {french}, abstract = {Momentanément passé devant Facebook aux Etats-Unis en février dernier, le site communautaire Reddit peine à exister en France. Mais, au fait, qu’est-ce que Reddit ?} }
@article{Clauzel:2013:Cybersurveillance-transparence-ou-decadence, title = {Cybersurveillance : transparence ou décadence}, journal = {Convergence Numérique}, number = {50}, year = {2013}, month = sep, day = 9, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/blog/post/2013/09/09/Interview-%3A-%C2%AB-Convergence-Num%C3%A9rique-%E2%84%96-50-%E2%80%94-Cybersurveillance-%3A-transparence-ou-d%C3%A9cadence%C2%A0-%C2%BB}, url = {http://www.convergencenumerique.net/cybersurveillance-transparence-ou-decadence-debat-pod50-snowden-nsa/}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/Divers/2013-09-09%20-%20Convergence%20Num%c3%a9rique%20n%c2%b050%20-%20Cybersurveillance,%20transparence%20ou%20d%c3%a9cadence%20%3f.webm}, url = {http://youtu.be/GBtmfsJEC9g}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Choain, Jérôme and Touati, Vincent}, keywords = {podcast, internet, interview, presse, surveillance}, language = {french}, abstract = {Le 6 Juin 2013, la planète découvre qu'elle est espionné par la première puissance économique, politique et militaire mondiale. L'affaire Snowden met en lumière les pratiques gouvernementales surveillant les données privées de ses propres citoyens, mais aussi à l'international. C'est ce dont est accusée la NSA envers les services secrets Allemands (la BND), ainsi que dans d'autres conflits infra-nationnaux. Pour débattre sur le sujet, Jérome Choain, blogueur engagé et influent sur les sujets numériques, accompagné de Damien Clauzel, professeur à l'université Claude Bernard à Lyon, et enseignant connecté aux nouvelles technologies. Il donneront leur avis sur les sujets nommés ci-dessus, en orientant notre débat sur d'autres problématiques : neutralité du net, indépendance des médias, manipulation de l'opinion publique…} }
@misc{OpenData69:2012:OpenData-la-liberation-des-donnees, title = {OpenData : la libération des données}, year = {2012}, month = apr, day = 19, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/blog/post/2012/04/19/Participation-du-collectif-OpenData69-à-la-conférence-www2012,-sur-les-données-ouvertes}, author = {Clauzel, Damien}, keywords = {Lyon, opendata, données ouvertes, OpenData69, Rhône, www2012}, language = {french}, abstract = {Présentation durant la conférence www2012} }
@article{Clauzel:2012:Damien-Clauzel-34-ans-chercheur-à-Lyon-1-et-blogueur, title = {Damien Clauzel, 34 ans, chercheur à Lyon 1 et blogueur}, year = 2012, month = apr, day = 28, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/blog/post/2012/04/28/Article-dans-le-Progrès-de-Villeurbanne-:-Damien-Clauzel,-34-ans,-chercheur-à-Lyon-1-et-blogueur}, url = {http://www.leprogres.fr/rhone/2012/04/28/damien-clauzel-34-ans-chercheur-a-lyon-1-et-blogueur}, author = {Ficher, Laurence and Clauzel, Damien}, keywords = {Villeurbanne, blog, présentation}, language = {french}, publisher = {Le Progrès - Villeurbanne}, pages = {33} }
@article{Clauzel:2010:Enhancing-synchronous-collaboration-by-using-interactive-visualisation-of-modelled-traces, title = {Enhancing synchronous collaboration by using interactive visualisation of modelled traces}, journal = {Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {84-97}, year = {2011}, month = jul, note = {Modeling and Performance Analysis of Networking and Collaborative Systems}, issn = {1569-190X}, doi = {10.1016/j.simpat.2010.06.021}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/ITHACA/Clauzel_-_2010_-_Enhancing_synchronous_collaboration_by_using_interactive_visualisation_of_modelled_traces.pdf}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Sehaba, Karim and Prié, Yannick}, keywords = {Modelled trace, Activity modelling, Interactive visualisation, Interaction mode, Collaborative learning environment}, language = {english}, abstract = {This article addresses issues related to traces modelling for formally describing human interactions of people engaged in a synchronous collaborative learning activity. The objective is to propose models and tools for representing, transforming, sharing and visualising traces of users' experiences. The traces here represent the users' activities in their interactions with the learning platform. Our proposition is based on reflexive learning defined as the ability to interact with the situation, in order to meet one's own limitations. This work takes place in the ITHACA project which aims at developing an on-line learning platform that uses interaction traces as knowledge sources on, and for, the learners' learning as individuals or groups. In this paper, we propose a general framework for trace management and sharing, a generic model of synchronous collaborative activity based on the notion of interaction modes that we specialized for whiteboard sharing and text chatting, and a conceptual framework for modelling the exploitation of modelled traces, in particular for interactive visualisation on the user side. This article extends our previous work [1] on the instrumented prototypes, by presenting our theorisation of the interactive visualisation of modelled traces.} }
@misc{Clauzel:2009:modelling:presentation, title = {Modelling And Visualising Traces For Reflexivity In Synchronous Collaborative Systems Presentation}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Sehaba, Karim and Prié, Yannick}, year = {2009}, month = nov, institution = {LIRIS, CNRS UMR5205}, language = {french}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/ITHACA/Presentations/Modelling_and_visualising_traces_for_reflexivity_in_synchronous_collaborative_systems-presentation.pdf}, url = {http://www.slideshare.net/dClauzel/modelling-and-visualising-traces-for-reflexivity-in-synchronous-collaborative-systems-presentation}, note = {Support visuel de présentation pour l'article éponyme} }
@inproceedings{Liris-4429, title = {Modelling and visualising traces for reflexivity in synchronous collaborative systems}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Sehaba, Karim and Prié, Yannick}, year = 2009, month = nov, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2009)}, pages = {16-23}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, doi = {10.1109/INCOS.2009.55}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3858-7}, language = {english}, url = {https://liris.cnrs.fr/publis/?id=4429}, note = {Lauréat du Best Paper Award}, keywords = {modelled trace}, keywords = {reflexive learning, user experience, interaction mode, collaborative learning environment}, keywords = {user experience, interaction mode, collaborative learning environment}, keywords = {interaction mode, collaborative learning environment}, keywords = {collaborative learning environment}, abstract = {This article addresses issues related to traces modelling and visualisation in synchronous collaborative learning. The objective is to propose models and tools for representing, transforming, sharing and visualizing traces of users’ experiences. The traces here represent the users’ activities in their interactions with the learning platform. Our proposition is based on reflexive learning defined as the ability to interact with the situation, in order to meet one’s own limitations. This work takes place in the ITHACA project which aims at developing an online learning platform that uses interaction traces as knowledge sources on, and for, the learners’ learning as individuals or groups. In this paper, we propose a general framework for trace management and sharing, a generic model of synchronous collaborative activity based on the notion of interaction modes, which we specialized for whiteboard sharing and text chatting. We modelled an IRC client and developed a first implementation.} }
@inproceedings{Clauzel:2007:IVA, title = {Attention Based, Naive Strategies, for Guiding Intelligent Virtual Agents}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Roda, Claudia and Ach, Laurent and Morel, Benoît}, booktitle = {Intelligent Virtual Agents}, year = {2007}, month = sep, note = {Article soumis pour «~The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents~»}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/IVA2007/AUP-IVA2007.pdf}, abstract = {Guiding the behaviour of Intelligent Virtual Agents so that a pleasant and productive interaction is established with the user has been the aim of a very large body of research work. In this paper we propose that by basing this guidance on a set of attention indicators it is possible to define strategies to effectively guide IVA’s behaviours.} }
@inproceedings{Clauzel:2007:IVA:short, title = {Attention Based, Naive Strategies, for Guiding Intelligent Virtual Agents}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Roda, Claudia and Ach, Laurent and Morel, Benoît}, booktitle = {Intelligent Virtual Agents}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, issn = {0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online)}, volume = {4722/2007}, isbn = {978-3-540-74996-7}, pages = {369-370}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74997-4_43}, year = {2007}, month = sep, note = {Version courte de \cite{Clauzel_2007_IVA}}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/e41x78r489730415/}, abstract = {The AtGentive project focuses on the support of attention in learning environments. To achieve this objective the system analyses the learners’ computer activities and physical states and, on the basis of this analysis, it generates interventions. Such interventions either supply learners with information useful to support their current attentional focus, or are aimed at attracting the user’s attention to new foci.} }
@misc{Clauzel:2007:IVA:poster, title = {Attention Based, Naive Strategies, for Guiding Intelligent Virtual Agents}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Roda, Claudia and Laukkanen, Joona and Ach, Laurent and Morel, Benoît}, year = {2007}, month = sep, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/IVA2007/AUP-IVA2007-poster.pdf}, note = {Poster pour \cite{Clauzel_2007_IVA_short}} }
@inproceedings{Clauzel:2006:Mind-prosthesis, title = {Mind-prosthesis metaphor for design of human-computer interfaces that support better attention management}, author = {Roda, Claudia and Stojanov, Georgi and Clauzel, Damien}, booktitle = {Interaction and Emergent Phenomena in Societies of Agents: Papers from the 2006 AAAI Fall Symposium (Technical Report FS-05-05)}, publisher = {Menlo Park: AAAI Press}, year = {2006}, pages = {52-59}, address = {Arlington, Virginia, États-Unis d'Amérique}, affiliation = {The American University of Paris - AUP}, editor = {Trajkovski, G.P. and Collins, S.G.}, abstract = {In this paper we investigate the issues of user attention management in the context of the changes of underlying metaphors in human-computer interface design. After the introductory part, we discuss the problems of staying focused as well as reconstructing the context of an interrupted task while working in some computer environment. We highlight the problems with current interfaces and the desktop metaphor in particular, we propose that the mind-prosthesis metaphor may be better suited for the design of future, attention aware systems, and we put forward some guidelines for interface design that follow from our analysis.}, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00299324/fr/} }
@inproceedings{Clauzel:2006:task-context, title = {Tracking task context to support resumption}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Roda, Claudia and Stojanov, Georgi}, booktitle = {Proceedings HCI 2006 - Engage, London, UK}, year = {2006}, note = {Position paper pour «~The 2006 workshop on computer assisted recording, pre-processing, and analysis of user interaction data~»}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/HCI_2006/AUP-Tracking_task_context_to_support_resumption.pdf}, abstract = {This paper presents our current research on task context. We describe the approaches investigated to collect data from user activities. These data are used to provide support to attention and motivation. We also briefly describe a proof-of-concept prototype.} }
@misc{Clauzel:2006:task-context:presentation, title = {Tracking task context to support resumption}, author = {Clauzel, Damien and Roda, Claudia and Stojanov, Georgi}, year = {2006}, url = {https://Damien.Clauzel.eu/Publications/Documents/HCI_2006/AUP-Tracking_task_context_to_support_resumption-presentation.pdf}, note = {Support visuel de présentation pour \cite{Clauzel_2006_task-context}}, abstract = {This paper presents our current research on task context. We describe the approaches investigated to collect data from user activities. These data are used to provide support to attention and motivation. We also briefly describe a proof-of-concept prototype.} }
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